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Copy Of Sports Custom Ring - Customer's Product with price 374.00 ID AM4UR_jRR-uUwKlOq2AUrV2a

Size Guide
Ring Type and Color - Ring Type R20 [Ring Type] x1
Ring Type and Color - Metal Finish (R20) Blackcast [METAL] x1
Ring Type and Color - Text Color (R20) Silver [Text Color] x1
Ring Top Custom Text - Ring Top: Custom Text (Top) top stuff [Bezel Top Text] x1
Ring Top Custom Text - Ring Top: Custom Text (Bottom) bottom stuff [Bezel Bottom Text] x1
Stone Colors - Stone Color (R20) Light Blue [Bezel Outer Stones] x1
Ring Top Icon - Ring Top: Icon Type Custom Icon [Logo Type] x1
Ring Top Icon - Ring Top: Custom Icon Upload Url -
Ring Top Icon - Ring Top: Custom Icon Upload Instructions Make it cool [Custom Top Logo Instructions] x1
Left Side Design - Left Side: Custom Text (Top) top left [Side 1 Top Text] x1
Left Side Design - Left Side: Middle Design Sports Icon
Left Side Design - Choose Your Sport Basketball
Left Side Design - Basketball Icons Net - Silver
Left Side Design - Left Side: Custom Text (Bottom) abcd [Side 1 Bottom Text] x1
Right Side Design - Right Side: Custom Text (Top) top right [Side 2 Top Text] x1
Right Side Design - Right Side: Middle Design Sports Icon
Right Side Design - Choose Your Sport Basketball
Right Side Design - Basketball Icons Basketball - Silver
Right Side Design - Right Side: Custom Text (Bottom) cdef [Side 2 Bottom Text] x1
Engraving - Inside Engraving No
Ring Top Size - Ring Top Size L [ring_size] x1
Finger Size - Finger Size 15 [finger_size] x1
configId AM4UR_jRR-uUwKlOq2AUrV2a
productUrl https://store.signaturechampions.com/products/copy-of-sports-custom-ring